Welcome to our wholesale discounts page:
1) You do not need an account with us for discounts. YAY!
1a) There are numerous drop downs on our home page under our titles with discounts other interesting information.
2) We have created numerous basic discount packages on our All Books & CDs page.
2a) Simply click on the covers of the item you want to order and you will see different quantities of titles discounted already set for you. Pay on site.
3) If there is no package that suits your needs send us an email of what you want and how many of each item.
Our sets are planned according to our shipping supplies, so if there is a set of 8 and you want 9 we have no box for that and the 1 book will be retail. A general email query of what are our prices may likely sit in our inbox a while. So please investigate our site, especially if you are in a hurry. There are discounts listed on our site:
4) If you’d like to order monastery items on our site there is a discount table link below. Send us an email of what you want and how many of each. They are separate from Zoë Press. They have no internet. There are no 40% discounts because this is their fundraiser paying bills you know:) If you’d prefer you may call in your order to them at: 559-338-3110 (ONLY MONASTERY BOOKS/CDS - not Zoë Press books or Tears).
You will pay them via check in advance. 100% of our sales for them go to the monastery.We ship faster than them and are easier to order from as a rule.
5) Our wholesale orders are not intended for resale on Amazon. Order for your church/bookstore, your own website.